Welcome to my blog. I am now a Southern girl living in beautiful Nashville with my loving husband, Dean, our 2 sweet dogs, our horses on our own property & a kitty in the barn, in other words, HEAVEN. If you find yourself on my blog, enjoy your celebrity & please pass it on to your friends & family. I am back to pursuing my fine art too so let me know what I can do for you.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Holly's animals

What fun to go see Holly's new barn & photograph all her sweet animals, all with such individual personalities.. Couldn't resist the last bit of light on her barn & the glimmer it put in Wyatt's eye.
Some yoga stretches for Gracie, look at the happy closed eye as she accommodates & relaxes.
Sadie after hard day of play...
Bones was boney when he found Holly but sure isn't now!!

A couple of so many shots we took of the horses, I'm going to do a drawing & will combine a couple of images that work well together. Not these since the lighting is different but I loved Grace's soft look here.

Farrier came & the light was so dramatic & created such a story.
Loved the lighting.....
