Welcome to my blog. I am now a Southern girl living in beautiful Nashville with my loving husband, Dean, our 2 sweet dogs, our horses on our own property & a kitty in the barn, in other words, HEAVEN. If you find yourself on my blog, enjoy your celebrity & please pass it on to your friends & family. I am back to pursuing my fine art too so let me know what I can do for you.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lindsay & Luke's Nashville wedding

It was probably the coldest Saturday in October for Lindsay & Luke's wedding but this game wedding party & family took it all in stride as we found sheltered areas to shoot in where possible. The wedding took place at the beautiful 100+ year old Assumption Catholic Church & The University Club at Vanderbilt. Lindsay is such a classic beauty, I have such a hard time choosing just a few pix to show her off...

This is just inside the shelter of the "getting ready building" with the door open for beautiful natural light.
Brrrrrrr, I'm cold just remembering that day

The Bishop performed their ceremony, what an honor!!!
