Welcome to my blog. I am now a Southern girl living in beautiful Nashville with my loving husband, Dean, our 2 sweet dogs, our horses on our own property & a kitty in the barn, in other words, HEAVEN. If you find yourself on my blog, enjoy your celebrity & please pass it on to your friends & family. I am back to pursuing my fine art too so let me know what I can do for you.

Monday, February 1, 2010

San Diego Wedding Photography - Immaculata & El Cortez

Laura & Jeff had the perfect San Diego day for their wedding at USD Immaculata for the gorgoeous ceremony & El Cortez for the hoppin' fun reception following. Laura was the most gorgeous bride, looking so regal. She has class! Here she looks like a Francie doll I had as a kid. Jeff & the guys had some time to play down in the bar at Manchester Grand Hyatt where they all got ready. He looks dashing himself, kind of like my Ken doll I had as a kid!!!

All the attention on the bride, oh me, oh my......

Gettin' the jitters...almost showtime....
Had to make a stop for some pix in the gorgeous lighting & backdrop of the hotel.
Love this pic Michele took as they headed off down the aisle=)

You just have to get some with the iconic old El Cortez as the backdrop. Having time to take a little walk across the street is important. As with any wedding you gotta have time for LOTS of romantics, my very favorite part & what it's all about, right?!
