Welcome to my blog. I am now a Southern girl living in beautiful Nashville with my loving husband, Dean, our 2 sweet dogs, our horses on our own property & a kitty in the barn, in other words, HEAVEN. If you find yourself on my blog, enjoy your celebrity & please pass it on to your friends & family. I am back to pursuing my fine art too so let me know what I can do for you.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Animal art makes a terrific gift!

This sweetie is Dexter, owned by a small animal vet in Portland Oregon. She plans to give it to her husband for Christmas since he is ga-ga over his perfect lab with the perfect smile, wrinkled cheeks & all =)
Animal art has been a part of my business since 1998 & pencil is one of my very favorite mediums to work in. It's kind of like B&W photos, the character of the subject comes out so well when color doesn't distract you. Giving a gift certificate for art to someone with a special pet is a great way to let them be involved in the photo shoot & choosing which picture most embodies their baby. And surprising someone with a gift like this usually brings tears to their eyes. Please call me to do one, or two, or three for you=))
