Welcome to my blog. I am now a Southern girl living in beautiful Nashville with my loving husband, Dean, our 2 sweet dogs, our horses on our own property & a kitty in the barn, in other words, HEAVEN. If you find yourself on my blog, enjoy your celebrity & please pass it on to your friends & family. I am back to pursuing my fine art too so let me know what I can do for you.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Ray Family

Taking pictures for Fawn & Jeff & their boys was such a treat. We took a nice walk across Two Rivers bridge just as the light was leaving us but we still ended up with some fun & interesting pictures. You may recognize Jeff as our morning weatherman on CBS & The Weather Channel. Fawn is a fantastic chiropractor & owner of Ray Chiropractic.

I asked Ian to act like he was holding up the bridge & just got this one image before he ran off to do something else, got it pretty close=P

Love this one of Fawn & Joe.....
What an ending for us...
